Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Dark Side Of Stardoll Part XII

 Hi guys n gals!! old_school1904 w/ candycrush1445 talking about the same DRAMA that is affecting us these days. Where? On Stardoll! So I have some banners for you to make your day :-D
This one is on the Cafeteria with me and candycrush1445.
 Second one is on the stage of an event hall so where is begone_2332? She's on the last banner I've made myself on the drapes of the same event hall so there isn't ithinkimabutt on the last banner and all the other guys...
I finally found the t-shirt that I was seeking. So let's move on to you and the drama...
First of all, this is the RATHER CREEPY broadcast which got you on your nerves yesterday at 3:30 pm I guess... Now it's your turn candycrush1445.
Yes that was rather creepy so I got really effed up when I saw this and decided to upload this on the blog.
Really effed up I mean. And then, there would be a lot of PERVIES so... let's go!!
This is taken from a pres of a weirdo whose name is YOUWANTMAHYAYO which attracted me so much. ForrestBag's username, ForrestLesvia's username, router2013's username and ithinkimabutt's one attracted me that much. These 4 ones attracted me so much.
 So who's getting fucked up right now seeing this message? Me.
So whose problem will be that? Mine.
So how many trolls are captured on THIS blog? Over the number of Satan, 666! Now your turn!
 So I'm getting fed up seeing yournasty's page. A person of a different race, AS IF his username would be imaniqqa666 I would get sad because of a person of a different race! We shouldn't mock people with special needs.
 Getting out of my system as usual. Now your turn candycrush1445!
 Pres: Funny and attracted me that much, AS IF she would ask me or any other writer such a question I would say NO, but if gamer160 was asked such kind of question, she'd say NO, again.
So now who can survive experiencing a drama like this? Now your turn old_school1904!
 How well am I getting out of my system?
 This is the list of the pedos and hypos on BigASSPvssy's page. Two of them are YOUWANTMAHYAYO and yournasty. Stardoll is NOT a site for dating, for dummies. It's a site of playing games! What dummies! So now there are more....
Look who's on this list in begone_2332's page! Me and gamer160! And now your turn candycrush1445.
I agree with your idea about dating on Stardoll.
So now we've made nicknames for us!
Thanks! candycrush1445/ old_school1904
Dark Side Of Stardoll Part XIII will be done with old_school1904

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